What Country is Avene In?

What Country is Avene In?

People from all over the world, including a large part of the United States, absolutely love Avene products. This is probably for good reason, too. Most of the people that leave reviews about Avene products leave at least 4 stars leave positive feedback for all kinds of purchased products. But where is it? You probably won’t be surprised at all to learn where this amazing mysterious enigma is located.

The Romantic Country

France is usually depicted as a country of romance passion. It should not be a surprise that one of the most effective skincare products on the market is created in the country of France. From fine dining to electric evenings full of festivities adventure France has much to offer anybody who cares to venture out into its cities.

The Legend of the Horse

Of course, as with any other legend, some of the details may differ from story to story. However, the key facts remain the same. The facts that are displayed in this story are absolutely amazing.

In the year of 1736 in the southern side of France along the banks of the Orb River in the little town of Avene, there is said to have been a horse that belonged to a prominent man. This horse suffered from a terrible skin disease that caused him agony great despair. The owner of the horse, not sure of what else to do, let the animal free to roam away die in its despair.

Instead of dying, the horse came across a natural spring of water. The horse found his way into the spring took a fabulous bath for a while. Not long after, the terrible skin disease that plagued him had vanished become completely healed.

The owner of the horse, Marquis of Rocozels, saw the effect that the spring had on the horse, had an idea.

It was from this idea that the Avene legacy began, the people of France found a place that could give them a reprieve from irritating skin ailments that caused them grief despair.

Avene Thermal Spring Water

What sets Avene apart from the rest of the skincare products is that it contains the highly pure form of spring water that can help to heal skin relieve dry, itchy symptoms. This water travels through the Cevennes mountains in Avene, France for over 50 years until it reaches its final destination of the thermal springs.

 Within the confines of this healing spring water is a microflora that is known as Aqua Dolomiae. Aqua Dolomiae provides is an anti-itch anti-inflammatory solution that helps with itching other skin problems.

The low mineral content of this spectacular water is what makes it softer less irritative than other waters, this is just one of the many factors that make Avene products so fantastic.

The scientific properties of the water that the spring produces are so profound that scientists doctors have recommended its use in the dermatology realm for many years.


If you haven’t guessed it by now, Avena is in France. The wonderful country of France. Although it is loved appreciated by people everywhere, its roots are in the romantic night skies of France.