Importance of Using Eco-friendly Coffee Pods at Workplaces

Recyclable coffee pods are the need of the hour in our efforts to make the planet a safer place for us future generations. Single-shot coffee capsules had gone unnoticed as an environmental threat due to their small size. The quantum of used pods K-cups dumped into our lfills can wrap around the earth more than ten times- that sums up the environmental terror grown in our sweet looking offices.

The dem sale of coffee pod machines have been on the increase in most nations. The market research organisation Euromonitor estimates the growth in sales of coffee pod machines in the USA alone to have moved up from 1.8 million pieces in 2018 to 20.7 in 2019. Can you imagine the quantity of coffee pod waste generated by tens of millions of machines in a day, month, year?

Advantages of using eco-friendly coffee pods

Our fight for a better greener nature will gain momentum by replacing single-serving capsules with eco-friendly coffee pods at places of work. The many advantages of using an environmental friendly pod are many as given below:

  1. Eliminates the issue of plastic pollution.
  2. Helps to avoid waste since one pod has enough coffee to brew for a single person.

iii. Compostable bio-degradable coffee pods produce organic manure promoting chemical-free agriculture.

  1. Pods manufactured from coffee waste also serve the purpose of reducing coffee waste itself.
  2. The energy required for brewing using recycled coffee pods is less.
  3. Eco coffee pods generate jobs in the recycling industry.

vii. Reduces caffeine intake.

Most offices are forced to use single-use coffee pods from the company that manufactured their brewing machines due to the design that adapts only to their pods. That, in a way, is forced consumption goes against individual liberty. If unified stards are brought in to the manufacturing practices of coffee pods, it shall be a great step in protecting our environment as well. In other words, such legislation will allow the user to use any coffee br of their choice irrespective of the maker of the machine.

Health benefits

Using eco-friendly coffee pads has health benefits too. The hot water used to percolate your favourite coffee runs through an organic paper filter that does not release any toxins. Another benefit that cannot be ignored is on the economic side. Environmental friendly pods do not contain plastic or metals like aluminium, which makes