Finding The Right Drug Treatment Center For You

Deciding to seek treatment for substance abuse is a crucial first step in your recovery process. You’ve immediately accepted that you need assistance, it’s time to analyze drug rehab centers to establish which best suits you.

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Treatment facilities vary from place to place, state to state, so it’s natural to stress when it comes to picking a treatment center that suits your needs. Should your family peers you trust, you can consider letting them assist. Under other circumstances, you can get a referral from a counselor or physician.

Below are some tips for you:

Ask Key Questions

These four questions are the right place when evaluating a treatment center its programming.

  1. What accreditations does the center have?
  2. Does it use evidence-based practices?
  3. What does the treatment facility specialize in?
  4. Our treatment plans tailored to the individual?


Centers with licensing certification show a commitment to providing quality care to patients. Pick a program accredited by The Joint Commission or the Commission on Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). An unaccredited might not offer quality health care.

Furthermore, look into the staffers’ credentials.

Treatment Programs Philosophies

Different treatment facilities might specialize in treating addiction differently, while others may treat co-occurring disorders. Many people need a facility with expertise in both to ensure an increase in their chances of recovery. In case you have a mental health diagnosis, we strongly suggest a center that can treat both disorders.

Concerning evidence-based practices, you want a program that follows effective, proven treatment models. A treatment center, such as URP, utilizes medications behavioral therapy.

Ideally, you want a center with a range of treatment modalities, such as medical detox behavioral therapy.

Even though your program must follow evidence-based practices, it should be flexible enough for individual customization. The center should be customized to meet specific stards of the person.

Life after Treatment

Look for drug rehab centers that offer continued care support after you leave rehab. The following should potentially come into play:

  • Transitional housing
  • Different levels of care, such as a halfway house or outpatient treatment
  • Mental health disorders or other health conditions
  • Family peer relationships
  • Continued therapy

The said facility should have a strong aftercare program that can assist you to succeed outside of treatment. Besides, you may benefit from a center with many levels of care, such as inpatient, outpatient, etc. This can help you smoothly transition between levels of care if you need further treatment. When evaluating facilities, ask about treatment outcomes aftercare.