Over these last several months, there have been many changes in the everyday lives of most people around the world. It is the end of October 2020, and things look like they are about to get worse. As temperatures begin to drop across the United States, the flu season is about to arrive and wreak more havoc upon people everywhere. The flu, like COVID19 also typically thrives in the colder weather. Viruses are unseen, silent enemies that lurk in broad daylight, in homes, in grocery stores, and everywhere else that people are. We can’t hide under our beds until they go away, so what do we do? In addition to taking recommended precautions, we can make sure that we are in good health and that our immune systems are in tip-top shape. Taking personalized vitamins will not stop you from catching a virus, but they may assist you in fighting one off when it comes.
Immune System Health
Our immune systems are made up primarily of white blood cells that attack threats such as viruses and bacteria. The white blood cells do not work alone, though. The whole body works together as one unit in order to detect the threats, tell the cells where to go, and create more cells when needed. With that being said, it is obvious that the healthier you are, the healthier your immune system is going to be. Vitamins and minerals play a huge part in the overall health of our bodies. If our vitamin intake is off balance, or weak, our bodies will be off balance and weak as well. Making sure that we have the correct amount of vitamins that are specific to our needs on a daily basis is crucial for the development of a healthy immune system. Our bodies need all of the help that they can get when it comes to fighting off illnesses.
The Personalized Vitamin Supplement
Although we all have immune systems, and we all have blood and cells, we are not all the same. Each person is different from the next person in many ways on a cellular level. Factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, lifestyle, habits, and so on all help determine what vitamins and minerals we need as individuals. People that do not eat red meat could lack iron. People that do not eat fruits and vegetables could lack vitamin C and other valuable nutrients. Although the best-recommended way to take vitamins into the body is naturally, through foods, people do not all eat the same kinds of foods. Even if they did, many times the foods that we buy through the market lack nutrients as they are grown on lands that have been stripped of vital minerals or farmed on farms that feed inferior foods to the livestock. When we take a closer look at the vitamins that we take in, we will most likely find that we are lacking in some way. Finding a personalized vitamin supplement that works for us as individuals can help keep our bodies in tip-top shape in addition to eating well and exercising regularly.
The Vitamin Delima
Many of the multivitamin manufactures that are popular in the stores fail to formulate their supplements properly. Instead of catering to the needs of specific people, they create a one size fits all pill that is supposedly good for everybody. The problem with this is that they overcompensate the dosage of the vitamins and overload the consumer with unnecessary vitamins that can cause problems. Somebody that eats a lot of carrots each day does not need a triple extra dose of vitamin A. The list goes on, but you probably get the picture. People need to take vitamins based on the lifestyle that they live, specific to their own needs. Starting a personalized vitamin regimen could be the best thing you’ve ever done for your health. When you strengthen your immune system, you strengthen your whole self.