6 Tips To Help You Get Best Results From Invisalign

For people who do not want to resort to traditional metal braces for their teeth, an Invisalign treatment is a great alternative solution. A big plus point of Invisalign is that it is very subtle, ensuring that only very few people will ever know that you are having plastic aligners on your teeth. Below, we look at six simple tips that will help you get the best possible results from Invisalign.

48 Hours After Treatment

The immediate 48 hours after the Invisalign treatment are extremely crucial. As per an expert orthodontist queen creek, you should try to wear the aligners during this period full-time. The only time you should take it off is while brushing your teeth. And once you finish brushing, put the aligner back on immediately.

Smoothen Sharp Edges

Sometimes, your gums or cheeks might feel like it is being scraped while wearing the Invisalign. This can be very irritating and painful. It happens because of the sharp edges of the Invisalign. To resolve this issue, take a nail buffer and rub it at the edges of the Invisalign until they become smooth. Run your fingers over it. When satisfied that it has lost its stinging sharpness, you can place the Invisalign back on to the teeth. Avoid using any coarse metal for smoothening since it can end up damaging the Invisalign.

Brush After Meals

Orthodontist Tyler Robison recommends everyone wearing an Invisalign to brush their teeth after a meal. When you eat food, some of it will get stuck in between your teeth. And if you use Invisalign in this condition, then the shape of the tray will get distorted. This will cause misalignment of your teeth. It is to avoid such situations that you should thoroughly clean your teeth and get the food particles out from it before placing the Invisalign back on the teeth.

Floss Regularly

Wearers of Invisalign must also make sure that they floss on a regular basis. This is because the aligners can often hold plaque inside them. And if you let it sit as it is, then your teeth can get pretty badly affected by it. Plus, it is also likely that your mouth will smell very bad after a period of time. The only way to prevent such things is by flossing the teeth. This will remove all the plaque attached to the aligners or the teeth.

Avoid Coffee/Tea

If you choose Invisalign treatment over metal braces, it is likely because of the fact that Invisalign is near invisible to other people. As such, it is very important that you avoid drinking coffee or tea since these can discolor the Invisalign trays, thereby making it more visible to the eye.

22-Hour Usage

Experts recommend that you wear Invisalign for at least 22 hours every day. If you neglect this and wear it only for shorter durations, then you will never get the full benefit of the Invisalign treatment. And even if you benefit from it, the results will be at a far slower pace.